It's under siege by the Scourge forces that had taken surrounding village, while Naxxramas hovers in the skies outside. The keep serves as the headquarters for the 7th Legion. High Commander Halford Wyrmbane led the Alliance forces in the region from Wintergarde Keep. They fought the Warsong Offensive for the titan database in the Strand of the Ancients. Westguard Keep issituated atop the cliffs on the western side of Howling Fjord and is led by Captain Adams.
It is periodically attacked by a group of vrykul and their worgs called Dragonflayer Invaders and Dragonflayer Worgs, and by Proto-dragon riders called Dragonflayer Raiders raining fire from the sky. Valgarde is the second of the two Alliance entrances to Northrend and is led by Vice Admiral Keller. The headquarters is besieged from outside the walls by the Scourge's nerubian armies, and from within the Cult of the Damned and the San'layn attempt to undermine the Alliance command structure. It is is one of the two primary ports of entry for the Alliance in Northrend, the other being Valgarde. Valiance Keep is the the headquarters of the main armies of the Alliance in Northrend under the personal command of King Varian Wrynn.